Which is best WordPress Hosting for you?
It is not very difficulty to find the best WordPress hosting for you. If you are confused about the WordPress hosting that suites your requirements then do this quick excersize.
1. Define yourself – You are first timer or a frequent website creater. A first timer must not go for a costly or premium WordPress hosting plan because you would be learning lot of things. Your requirment may change over the time. Most of the WordPress hosting service providers offer basic plans for beginners and also have easy adjustable upgrade plans.
2. Analyze your traffic requirement – If your blog or website is about a niche then go for basic plans that have limitted bandwidth. Because it is unlikely that you get sudden heavy traffic. It will take sometime for you to attract traffic.
However, If you already have some followers in other platform such as facebook, twitter, youtube or tiktok and now you want to have a website as well then you must choose a plan that have higher bandwidth or unlimited bandwidth. Because there is a good probability that your website may get sudden traffic.
3. Know the geographical location of your most of the customers- If your website or blog is targetted to a particular country or subcontinent then look for a WordPress service provider that can offer hosting services in the country of your target audience. It will increase the speed your website and hence it will be better for SEO.
However if your target audience may come from any part of the word then choose a cloud hosting with CDN. And make sure that your hosting provider have servers in almost every continent of the world.
4. Know your usage – if you are a reseller or a agency or planning to start such kind of business then go for a premium type of WordPress hosting that offers unlimited website and unlimited subdomains. It will help to maintain multiple websites for your business